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Birgit Welt

Study Coach

Your Contact
Berufsbegleitende Studierende im Hörsaal


Discover our range of courses in English without access restrictions and with practical content. You decide when, how and where you want to learn - with a training course in live-online format or as e-learning from any location and at any time.


Our English Courses

How does a company become successful in today's digital world?

This nugget introduces the concept and some examples of business model patterns. And it will explain the impact of connected products (IoT) on those patterns. Finally, you will learn about important business mechanisms of connected products.

1 Hour, on demand.

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The learning nugget provides deeper insight into key success factors of Digital Business Models. Based on selected examples and research projects with a high international visibility, relevant approaches of digitization will be discussed and analyzed for determinants and potentials of different Digital Business Models. Strategies of Digital Business Models development are examined.

1 hour 45 minutes, on-demand.

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Using the right method for innovation to break up entrenched structures. The innovation methods support developing new ideas for products or services in the right way.

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The modul focuses on methods of IT project management, software engineering and information management.

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Business Process Management (BPM) is a very important topic in organizational structure and management science. The modul focuses on organization in enterprises, especially on analyzing and optimization of processes.

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Business models are fundamental to the existence of a company. But what is a business model actually and how can it be built and analyzed? 

This Nugget introduces the termn Business Model and a tool to sketch out a business model. Furthermore, you will learn how business model innovation complements product and process innovation.

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Learning Together & Networking

All of our courses are face-to-face or online courses, supplemented by digital learning materials, and we focus on personal exchange between students and lecturers. Through close interaction with your fellow students, you expand your professional network. Students form learning communities and friendships from the start, which continue as graduates and are deepened through regular alumni activities.


Personal Service

For each study program, there is a personal contact person, a "study coach", who will provide you with professional support and act as a "one-stop office" for all your study-related questions.



Trendsetting Topics & Digital Learning

The identification of new topics and the use of high-quality digital teaching and learning materials are of central importance to us. We are using the state-of-the-art learning management system  „Canvas“. 


Time investment: One to two afternoons. Can be optimally integrated into everyday working life.


Qualified lecturers with the highest level of specialist and practical knowledge.


Intensive exchange among the participants and with the teachers is possible.


No examination performance. Attendance will be certified.